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Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery

Musée | Merthyr Tydfil | Wales | Royaume Uni

Le musée et la galerie d'art du château de Cyfarthfa se trouvent dans un impressionnant château construit en 1825 pour le propriétaire de la fonderie de fer, William Crawshay II. Le bâtiment, considéré comme la maison de fonderie de fer la mieux conservée et la plus grandiose du Pays de Galles, abrite aujourd'hui un musée et une galerie d'art offrant un profond aperçu de l'histoire de Merthyr Tydfil et de la révolution industrielle.

À l'intérieur du musée, les visiteurs trouveront une collection variée d'artefacts documentant l'histoire de la région sur plus de 2 000 ans. Cela comprend notamment des expositions sur l'industrie du fer qui a autrefois fait de Merthyr Tydfil la "capitale mondiale du fer", ainsi que des collections sur l'histoire sociale et le développement de la ville.

Un point fort particulier du musée est la collection d'art comprenant des œuvres de Penry Williams, l'un des plus importants artistes de Merthyr Tydfil. Williams a été comparé à Turner par les critiques et est donc connu sous le nom de "Turner gallois".

En plus des expositions permanentes, le musée propose régulièrement des expositions temporaires, des événements et des ateliers traitant de différents aspects de l'histoire et de la culture de Merthyr Tydfil et de l'histoire industrielle galloise. Le parc adjacent de Cyfarthfa invite également à des promenades et à l'exploration des environs.

Ainsi, le musée et la galerie d'art du château de Cyfarthfa sont un lieu culturel important qui rend hommage à la fois au passé industriel et au développement artistique de la région, offrant des perspectives intéressantes pour les visiteurs de tous âges.




Cyfarthfa Park, Brecon Rd
CF47 8RE Merthyr Tydfil

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 16:00
Mardi10:00 - 16:00
Mercredi10:00 - 16:00
Jeudi10:00 - 16:00
Vendredi10:00 - 16:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


2318 Avis

Megan Wiskin

Lovely places for walks and park for the kids the medum cafe if lush and the mesum tour
Abby Whitewell

Really interesting museum about local history. The layout is a little random but it adds to the charm, and the exhibits touch on many parts of Merthyr Tydfil's history including the ironworks and miners' strikes, daily life in the 19th century, and local artists. We only had an hour and were a little rushed, I'd recommend 1.5-2 hours. Super friendly staff, definitely worth a visit especially for only £3.50!
Rachel Anne D

Lovely little museum and the Castle itself is a real treasure for Merthyr Tydfil. The park is excellent too.
Gregg Lewis

It wasn’t open within the published hours nothing on their website or Google to tell you this: wasted trip.
Anna Williams

A wonderful place to visit highlighting Merthyr Tydfil's historic past. A great day out for adults and children alike at anytime of the year. Currently the building is beautifully decorated for the festive season including a hidden Elf trail intermixed throughout the displays, Knowledge and friendly staff make this the place to visit. Highly recommend.
Anwar Abdullah

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Vitalijs Arzanovskis (Witold)

It's a nice place to visit. The castle itself looks more like abandoned. Free parking, beautiful surroundings. Nice place to seat next to the artificial pod.

Parking for around 30 or so right outside the House, but more room down by the lake if you're up for a walk. Lots of outdoor paths through gardens and meadows. Park and splash pad. Museum is £2.50 per adult, kids go free, is definitely worth a look. Best bit? Independent cafe Julies! Massive sandwiches and good coffee (cash only though). Great family day out.
Samantha Jones

Brilliant staff, loved hearing about the crawsheys. We went to see the mining exhibition which I loved because of my grandpa and father were miners
David Williams

Dog walking friendly
Geoffrey Pemberton

Great place to learn about local history
Graham Croll

A good place to visit, the information posters in Welsh and English are very good. The tearoom was good with reasonably priced food and drinks. Entry only £2.50 per adult, £2.00 concession, kids free. Huge park to wander in.
angryfish 38

Lovely place to walk the dog. Lake area and very large field. Free parking.
Lee Roberts

Well looks council parks haven cut any greenery for a long time no signs wiped down they got nice red tomark roads which haven't been swept in ages by the looks of them cuz they black just don't understand where the council why they do not keep his as a treasure. They're absolutely looks s*** here
maggie davis

Lovely museum 🤩
Tina Needham

Had a lovely visit, Julie's Scones etc were beautiful.


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